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                         Martina Bley, Jörg Jacobi, Olaf Tetampel

New editions 2018:

Product no.: 4059

20 arias with variations for keyboard instruments
Ottobeuren, Benediktiner-Abtei, library and music archive

14.90 *
Product no.: 4060

20 arias with variations
Ottebeuren, Benediktiner-Abtei, library and music archive

16.50 *
Product no.: 4088
15.90 *
Product no.: 2159

Fantasies of three parts

For three Viols for Tr T B (I-IV) and Tr Tr B (V-IX)


19.50 *
Product no.: 4056

30 works for keyboard instruments

17.50 *
Product no.: 2166

Score and seperate parts

19.50 *
Product no.: 3058

Score with additional parts for string instruments

12.90 *
Product no.: 2154

Sonates Pour Basse

Edition for two Bass-Viols
based on TWV 40:101-106 : Sonates sans Basse (for two Traverso/recorders/violins)

Product no.: 2164

East, Michael (1580-1648): 'The Third Set of Bookes' - Fancies for five Viole da gamba (SSABB)

32.50 *
Product no.: 4071

Banchieri, Adriano (1568-1634)
Compositions for a keyboard instrument Vol. 1
Canzoni alla francese a quattro voci per sonar, Venetia 1596

12.90 *
Product no.: 4073

Autori Diversi (17. century)
Neresheimer Orgelbuch 1682
Musicam Docet Amor
Manuscript: Bayrischen Staatsbibliothek, München

15.90 *
Product no.: 4074

Autori Diversi (17. Jahrhundert)
Neresheimer Orgelbuch 1682
Musicam Docet Amor
Manuscript: Bayrischen Staatsbibliothek, München

13.90 *
Product no.: 4075

Autori Diversi (17. Century)
Neresheimer Orgelbuch 1682
Musicam Docet Amor
Manuscript der Bayrischen Staatsbibliothek, München
Vol. III

15.90 *
Product no.: 5008

Trios for

Oboe, Bassoon and Basso continuo,
Violin, Violoncello and Basso continuo,
Traverso, Viola da gamba and Basso continuo
(or other suitable instruments)

24.50 *
Product no.: 5019

A Collection of Old Scots Tunes with the Bass for Violoncello or Harpsichord, Edinburgh 1742

14.90 *
Product no.: 4046

Complete works for keyboard instruments

Vol. I Toccaten &Versetten

17.50 *
Product no.: 4047

Complete works for keyboard instrument

Vol. II Ricercare & Canzonen

17.50 *
Product no.: 4048

Complete works for keyboard instrument

Vol. III Partiten & Tänze Part 1

15.90 *
Product no.: 4049

Complete works for keyboard instrument

Vol. IV Partiten & Tänze Part 2

14.00 *
Product no.: 5085

Canzoni for four string instruments (Violins, Viola, Violoncelli and Viole da gamba)

Score and parts

33.50 *
Product no.: 5017
Product no.: 6149

Cantat for Tenor, Instruments(2 Violins) and Basso continuo

8.90 *
Product no.: 2158
Product no.: 4070

Ricercari et Arie Francesi (a quattro voci, Venetia 1595) 

for keyboard instrument

17.50 *
Product no.: 5011

Eight Chaconnes and a Passacaille
Six for two Dessus and B.c., two for one Dessus and B.c. and one for three Dessus

"Pour les Flutes, Violons, Haitbois, etc"

29.50 *
Product no.: 1161

Nobilità Di Dame

Raccolta di Varij Balli, Roma 1630

11.90 *
Product no.: 4065

Grund=richtiger / Kurtz=Leicht=und Nöthiger / jetzt  Wol=vermehrter Unterrichtder Musikalischen Kunst. Oder /
Vierfaches Musicalisches Kleeblatt, Ulm 1697

13.90 *
Product no.: 4066

Grund=richtiger / Kurtz=Leicht=und Nöthiger / jetzt  Wol=vermehrter Unterrichtder Musikalischen Kunst. Oder /
Vierfaches Musicalisches Kleeblatt, Ulm 1697

15.90 *
Product no.: 4053

Harmonisches Ergötzen der aus musivalischen Penseen bestehende VIER JAHR=ZEITEN nebst einem angenehm changement melodischer Piecen

16.50 *
Product no.: 4063

Two Concerti in c-minor and D-major on biblical passages

12.90 *
Product no.: 2210

Durham Mus.Ms. D2 for two Violins and Basso continuo

Bergamasca (D-Major)
Upon A Ground (A-Major)
Upon A Ground (e-Minor)

16.90 *
Product no.: 4068

Clavierwerke Vol. 1:

Die auf dem Clavier spielende und das Gehör vergnügende Cecilia,

op. 1 1736

Eight Sonatas for keyboard instruments

19.50 *
Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery